Target Low-Hanging Fruit in Preventing, Overturning Denials
The keys to preventing and overturning payer denials are to collect data to identify problem areas and to train staff in best practices. The case management team should understand the information each payer wants and how best to share those data.
Understanding Medical Necessity Improves Utilization Review Process, Reduces Denials
The case management team should be trained thoroughly on utilization review and medical necessity to avoid payer denials. The goal is to ensure patients receive medically necessary, high-quality care. -
Accreditation Activity Managers Faced Multiple Challenges During COVID-19 Pandemic
While educational programs can work in the online space, accreditation surveys would be more challenging to conduct online. There are different ways to leverage a virtual survey, but groups would prefer virtual visits not replace onsite visits.
AORN Issues Revised, Evidence-Based Perioperative Pressure Injury Guide
The Association of periOperative Registered Nurses has released a revised perioperative pressure injury toolkit, which was built on international guidance from 2019.
The AAAHC Antimicrobial Stewardship Toolkit, Explained
A good antibiotic stewardship program will improve patient care by giving patients the right medications at the right time. A proper program also will prevent staff from prescribing too much medication, which will reduce spending.
Building or Remodeling an ASC
Assuming the owner has conducted a financial feasibility analysis and the numbers work, the following are important considerations when building a new center or remodeling/expanding an existing facility.
Study Suggests Perianesthesia Nursing Can Be Standardized Globally
A survey about education and the role of postanesthesia care unit nurses in 11 countries revealed a wide variation in how the profession was viewed and treated. There was little international standardization in education and professional guidelines.
Best Practices for Handling Adverse Events
Mistakes and near-miss errors occur in every healthcare setting. With proper planning, surgery professionals can minimize adverse events and react appropriately if they do occur to prevent the situation from spiraling out of control.
COVID-19-Era Safety Tips That Could Last After the Pandemic
Surgical safety policies and procedures needed some adaptation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of those modifications may carry on in practice well after the pandemic ends.
Retained Surgical Objects: The Centuries-Long Search for Solutions
The 21st century development of data matrix tags and built-in tracking chips appear to hold potential for turning retained sponges into a never event. But even with this help, people still will make mistakes.