Acute Coronary Syndromes
Do you know about these new cardiac meds?
Tip of the Month: Checking IV sites can be made easier
Procedural Sedation: General Principles and Specific Pharmacotherapeutic Strategies — Part I
Medical Conditions that Mimic Psychiatric Disease: A Systematic Approach for Evaluation of Patients Who Present with Psychiatric Symptomatology
Effectiveness of OTC Cough Medications Doubtful, at Best
What Insect Repellent Should Your Patients Be Using?
You must brace for change in ED pain management
There are a number of significant advancements in pain management that will impact your clinical practice, including more frequent use of patient-controlled analgesia and increased use of conscious sedation. -
Evaluation and Management of Foot Pain in the Emergency Department
The foot is divided into three anatomic regions: the forefoot, made up of the fourteen phalanges and the five metatarsals; the midfoot, made up of the navicular, the cuboid, and the three cuneiforms (the medial, the middle, and the lateral); and the hindfoot, made up the talus and calcaneus. -
Dangerous Rashes
Dermatologic complaints are common presentations in the emergency department and the emergency physician should have a working knowledge of the most common of these complaints. -
Trauma Reports for January/February 2007