Two days after bombs went off near the finish line at the Boston Marathon, another horrific disaster rocked the tiny community of West, TX. In that incident, a reported fire at a fertilizer plant was followed by a huge explosion that leveled four blocks of the city. The blast killed 14 people, most of whom were emergency responders, and injured more than 200 others.
Over the past few years, we have learned that seemingly minor injuries can cause significant morbidity and, in some cases, even contribute to mortality. Astute emergency providers have learned to look beyond minor complaints and watch for signs of significant problems. Mild traumatic brain injury or concussion is one of the best examples of an injury that has been often dismissed. Post-concussive syndrome was overlooked for many years. Athletes in particular are prone to repeated injury, which we now know contributes to later cognitive impairment and even in some cases death.
Myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) refers to the utilization of radiotracers to image regional myocardial perfusion from coronary artery blood flow to the heart muscle. Used effectively, MPI can provide the clinician with a noninvasive technique that yields both important diagnostic and powerful prognostic information regarding the functional significance of anatomic coronary artery disease.
The past few years have seen a number of emerging household toxins, novel antidotes, and new prescription drugs on which to overdose. The following article reviews the latest updates in medical toxicology, with a focus on accidental exposures and drug overdoses as they pertain to the practicing emergency physician.
In this article, the authors continue their review of common male genital emergencies. Part I covered common scrotal emergencies, and in Part II, common penile emergencies are reviewed.
There are specific injury mechanisms that should lead the practitioner to suspect the presence of intra-abdominal injury, such as a handlebar injury to the upper abdomen and seat belt signs from a motor vehicle accident.
A new study strongly suggests that for children who present to the ED with minor blunt head traumas, a short period of observation can make an important difference in helping clinicians determine whether to order computed tomography (CT) scans or not.
While EDs are designed to respond to acute care needs, they are often inundated by patients with complex medical, social, and behavioral health problems that require comprehensive solutions. Not surprisingly, the results of this mismatch can involve long wait times, inefficient care, and less than satisfactory outcomes.