Access Management
Collect in ED Setting Without Violating EMTALA or Angering Patients
CoxHealth increased ED point-of-service collections by 20% by asking for copays consistently. This article discusses steps that patient access departments can take to succeed and improve collections.
‘Uncollectible’ Claims Just Need Fresh Approach
Stat diagnostic tests are triggering claims denials because payers dispute the urgency. This article discusses steps patient access can take to increase the chance of a successful appeal.
Support Medical Necessity or Face Denials for Stat Diagnostic Tests
Claims are sometimes deemed uncollectible after the first attempt to appeal a denial is unsuccessful. This article discusses approaches to help ensure payment.
Payer Says Service Is Non-covered? Patient Access Put in Difficult Position
Patient access faces difficult conversations with patients if services are non-covered. This article discusses steps to help stop lost revenue.
Did Patient’s Insurance Change? Auths, In-network Status May Change Too
Patients often fail to tell patient access if their coverage changes, and eligibility verification software responses do not always catch it. This article discusses steps that can help prevent claims denials.
Provide Indisputable Proof: Patient Meets Criteria for Level of Care
Increasingly, payers are disputing the patient’s level of care, resulting in denied claims. This article discusses ways to help prevent lost revenue.
Make ‘Peer-to-Peer’ Happen Within 24 Hours, Or Face Denied Claim
Payers are requiring time frames as short as 24 hours for peer-to-peers between the patient’s and payer’s physicians, or they’ll deny the claim. This article discusses several strategies that can make this conversation happen quickly enough to avoid denials.
Coding Is Must-have Skill for Patient Access: Fix Errors Before Denial Comes
Coding has become an essential skill for patient access, in light of the surge in claims denials occurring due to the switch to ICD-10. This article will discuss steps patient access can take to ensure correct coding.
Keep PRN Employees in the Loop
Keeping PRN employees updated is difficult because of constant changes in the field of patient access. This article provides tips to keep employees informed.
If Patient Access Is Left Out of Big Decisions, Patient Experience Can Suffer
Patient access leadership is sometimes omitted from planning discussions involving staffing, technology, and new service lines. This article discusses steps patient access can take to prevent problems with patient satisfaction.