Critical Care Alert – February 1, 2020
February 1, 2020
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Antimicrobial Stewardship in Critical Care
Antimicrobial stewardship is the responsibility of everyone involved in the care of critically ill and hospitalized patients. This review discusses some of the key principles and practices of successful antimicrobial stewardship programs, particularly as they relate to critical care.
Longer Antibiotic Courses for Pneumonia Do Not Improve Outcomes, But Cause More Adverse Effects
Two-thirds of general medicine patients with pneumonia received excess antibiotic therapy, with 93.2% of the unnecessary duration occurring after hospital discharge. Excess antibiotic therapy did not improve mortality or morbidity outcomes, although each additional antibiotic day was associated with 3% increased odds of antibiotic-associated adverse drug events.
Efficacy of Vitamin C Infusion on Outcomes in Sepsis-Induced ARDS
In this randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial, intravenous vitamin C infusion did not influence a change in the modified Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score from the time of infusion to four days compared to placebo.