Critical Care Alert – November 1, 2019
November 1, 2019
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Vasopressin Use in Septic Shock
Current management of septic shock includes early administration of intravenous fluids, antimicrobial agents, and vasopressor support. While norepinephrine is recommended as the first-line vasopressor for septic shock in the 2016 Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines, vasopressin is a second-line vasopressor option that may be added.
Temperature Trajectories to Find Sepsis Subphenotypes
The authors of this study used development and validation cohorts to retrospectively identify temperature trajectories over the first 72 hours from presentation in the setting of sepsis. Patients presenting with hyperthermia that resolved quickly (within the first 24 hours) had lower mortality compared to those with slow resolution or those presenting with hypothermia.