Case Management Advisor – December 1, 2017
December 1, 2017
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Risk Stratification Can Help in Population Health Environment
Risk-stratified care management can help bridge the distance between providing effective care and finding efficient ways to do so.
Study Offers Puzzle Piece to Paying for Integrated Care
Integrating mental health into primary care practice settings needs both research and a payment structure that works.
Q&A With the Nurse Who Wrote the Book on Case Management
Case Management Advisor asked Catherine M. Mullahy, RN, CCM, president of Mullahy & Associates of Huntington, NY, and author of The Case Manager’s Handbook, Sixth Edition, published in June 2016, to discuss case management tools and strategies.
Unit-based Case Management Model Works Best for Organization
Once upon a time, a hospital’s case manager performed all case management responsibilities and utilization review work. Social workers performed a lot of the discharge planning. All worked fairly well, but something was missing: Case managers were limited in their ability to care for patients.
Communication Failures Let Multidrug-resistant Bug Spread Between Settings
An outbreak of extremely drug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii at multiple facilities in Oregon underscores an open secret as bad bugs move across the healthcare continuum: There are disincentives to telling the receiving facility that the patient has a history of a drug-resistant bacteria or other problematic pathogens.
Copy-and-Paste Continues to Threaten Documentation Safety
Copy-and-paste is so easy and time-saving that it can be tempting to overuse it in the medical record, and some electronic medical records encourage clinicians to use blocks of text over and over. However, liberal use of copy-and-paste can diminish the quality and reliability of an electronic medical record.
Research Shows Link Between Quality and Readmission Rates
New research using CMS data is confirming the relationship between quality care and lower readmission rates.