Case Management Advisor – July 1, 2016
July 1, 2016
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Human Trafficking is a Problem for Case Managers and All HCWs
Many U.S. healthcare professionals have met or treated a trafficking victim at some point in their careers, but they may not have recognized the signs.
Red Flags That a Patient is a Victim of Trafficking
Victims of trafficking potentially could meet any healthcare professional, including case managers.
Tips for Handling Suspected Cases of Trafficking
Every healthcare system should have a protocol and system for handling suspected trafficking victims, according to a speaker and expert on the subject.
Avoid These Common Pitfalls in Care Transitions
Transitions of care can be difficult if case managers fail to prepare for some of the more common obstacles and problems.
These Strategies Will Improve Care Transitions for Elderly Patients
Care transition for elderly patients is fraught with hidden obstacles and risks. Experienced case managers can identify and prevent problems.
Take a Multidisciplinary, Team-based Approach on Elder Abuse
New research suggests there is ample room for improvement in the way elder abuse is identified and managed, particularly in the emergency setting.