Case Management Advisor – December 1, 2008
December 1, 2008
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Case management assistants free up case managers for clinical tasks
At Hudson Health Plan in Tarrytown, NY, case management assistants who handle non-clinical tasks that don't have to be done by a licensed professional are freeing up the nurse case managers for jobs that require their special clinical skills. -
Program gets ill, injured patients back to work
The award-winning medical and disability case management program developed by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas has shown a significant impact in getting employees back to work in a timely manner. -
Coordination of care helps patients manage disease
The only way to help people with chronic illnesses manage their disease is to develop a care management protocol that extends through the entire disease process from the acute care episode to the community and back to the acute care facility, says Donna Zazworsky, RN, MS, CCM, FAAN, manager of network diabetes care, faith community nursing and telemedicine for Carondelet Health Network in Tucson, AZ. -
Make written material easy to read, understandable
What makes educational material a must-read? The key is to make documents easy to read and understand, says Doug Seubert, guideline editor in Quality Improvement and Care Management at Marshfield (WI) Clinic. -
Field testing, a must-do for on-target handouts
To write clear, understandable material for patients, patient educators must involve the target population in the process. -
Get office workers up and moving
Instead of "economy class syndrome," should deep vein thrombosis (DVT) be called "sitting at a desk all day syndrome?" According to new research, prolonged sitting at work is linked to double the risk of DVT and pulmonary embolism. -
How big is the DVT risk, really?
Although a new study says that sedentary workers double their risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), it's difficult to gauge the true risk of DVT, according to Monika Fischer, MN, RN, APRN BC, CCM, COHN-S, FAAOHN, health services administrator for the City of Glendale, CA. For one thing, Fischer points to the "extremely small sample size" in the study and other confounding factors. -
Tips for reducing employee stress
Employees rank time pressures, deadlines, office politics, and their bosses as the top stress-inducing factors at work, according to a new workplace wellness survey conducted by Eclipse gum and the Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp).