Clinical Briefs in Primary Care – May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
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Antithrombotics and Subdural Risk
In a recent study, the risk for subdural hematoma was greatest when antithrombotic medications were combined, especially with warfarin/antiplatelet combinations.
Achieving Depression Remission
Noting the discrepancy between individual scoring systems, more work may be needed to determine which depression scale fits a particular clinical setting.
Health Consequences of What We Eat vs. What We Should Eat
In a recent analysis, the single largest contributor to cardiometabolic deaths was high intake of sodium, which has been variously associated with hypertension and heart failure.
What if COPD Exacerbation Was Pulmonary Embolism?
One hopes that awareness of pulmonary embolism as a cause of COPD exacerbations will be considered more routinely.
What Is ‘Syndemics’?
Hopefully, as policymakers become more aware of the wisdom of addressing public health issues from the perspective of syndemics, improved outcomes will occur.
Choices in Addressing Postprandial Glucose Elevations
The philosophy of 'fix the fasting first' seems both physiologically and functionally sound when initially addressing elevated A1c levels.