Cost Management In Cardiac Care Archives – March 1, 1999
March 1, 1999
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Statewide stroke project achieves dramatic improvements in warfarin use
The message is clear: Warfarin saves money
ACCP, AHCPR standards form basis for project
AHA creates American Stroke Association
Project-in-a-Box gets attention and results
CHF valve repair may supplant replacement
NLM, researchers work on speeding AMI Tx
On the horizon: Therapeutic angiogenesis
AMA: Beta blockers underused
Patients don’t recognize heart attack symptoms
Physicians give mixed angiography ratings
Antiplatelet Tx preferred over anticoagulation
FDA OKs telmisartan for hypertension
Adenosine reduces heart attack damage
Super clot-buster combo improves blood flow
DUMC puts cardiac images with records