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Urgent Care Alert Archives – February 1, 2007

February 1, 2007

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  • Emergency Physicians and Disclosure of Medical Errors

    Since the publication of the Institute of Medicine's "To Err is Human," increased attention has been given to medical error reporting. This article reviews medical error disclosure in emergency medicine, suggests the rational for error reporting, and examines barriers to medical error disclosure.
  • Testicular Torsion

    Testicular torsion occurs most frequently in males age 25 and younger and has an incidence of 1 in 4000 annually.
  • You Put What Where?

    Children are often brought to medical attention for removal of foreign bodies lodged in the external auditory canal. Most studies of this topic are found in the otolaryngology literature, emphasizing high ENT referral rates and frequent need for operative removal.
  • Erythema Multiforme

    Erythema Multiforme (EM) is a self-limited hypersensitivity reaction which is often recurring. It is associated with both infectious processes and certain medications.
  • Sleep Deficit: The Performance Killer

    More than 1.35 million auto accidents in the last 5 years have been caused by driver fatigue. The effect of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance has been well documented; when an individual has been awake for more than 18 hours, reaction speed, short-term and long-term memory, ability to focus, decision making ability, math processing, and spatial orientation all suffer. Sleep deprivation has even been linked to high blood pressure and obesity.
  • Ankle Sprains: Medical Management Options

    In emergency departments, urgent care centers, and family medicine offices across the country, ibuprofen is a mainstay in the treatment of acute ankle sprains. After all, ibuprofen is cheap, fairly well tolerated, available over the counter, and a proven success in treating pain and inflammation. However, it is not the only option.