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Global fund’s woes bad news for TB; is U.S. to blame?
The Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, TB, and Malaria is in big trouble, and will be bankrupt if more money doesnt come in by the time the next round of grant applications are due three months from now, says the executive director of the Global AIDS Alliance. -
Compliance in a box: A new bid for respect
Medication monitors traditionally have garnered little respect in the TB world. As technical advances in the prototypes continue to pile up, it seems likely that sooner or later, a compliance monitor will hit the market thats too user-friendly and inexpensive to ignore. -
Can NCET’s prince revive the princess?
When the task is to awaken a sleeping princess, traditionally the job goes to a prince. When the task is jump-starting the engines of a stalled advocacy group, John Seggerson (the recently retired associate director for external relations at the CDCs Division of TB Elimination) seems like an obvious choice. -
University gets ‘A’ for TB screening
By asking two simple questions, student health staffers at a Virginia university have found an easy way to zero in on the college students who are most likely to be TB skin test-positive. -
Compromise revives Russia TB loan talks
Negotiations between Russia and the World Bank over a $150 million loan to fight TB and HIV/AIDS are back on track, and the loan is expected to go through sometime next spring, according to bank officials. -
Reichman new head of alliance group
The Stakeholders Association of the Global Alliance for TB Drug Development has elected as its new president Lee B. Reichman, MD, MPH, director of the National TB Center at the New Jersey Medical School in Newark. -
Regionalization bid gets warm response
Some TB controllers in low-incidence states have resisted the idea of regionalizing TB services, fearing that would mean that already modest resources and budgets might, in the name of efficiency, be pared down even more. -
Health leaders see need to link TB and HIV plans
In this question-and-answer interview, Dermot Maher, BM, BCh, medical officer in the Stop TB Department of WHO; Ian Smith, MB, ChB, MPH, and Ger Steenbergen, MD, from the Stop TB Partnership offer some insight into the new international focus on combining TB and HIV/AIDS efforts and why it is necessary. -
‘Success stories’: E-mail boosts TB compliance
Christine Pionk, MS, RN, CS, solved an age-old employee health problem with a high-tech tool. She sends e-mail to remind employees of their annual tuberculosis screening. Pionk is one of several employee health professionals who shared success stories at the conference of the Association of Occupational Health Professionals in Health Care in St. Louis. -
TB Monitor 2002 Index
Index of 2002 articles organized by subject.