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Occupational Health Management Archives – February 1, 2003

February 1, 2003

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  • Smallpox vaccination: Risk is hard for experts to quantify

    The White Houses smallpox vaccination plan, especially its assertion that health care workers should be among the first immunized, was certainly welcomed by many occupational health professionals. But the devil is in the details, and some of those details have left observers confused and concerned.
  • Proper inoculation: Learn from the past

    Improper smallpox inoculation techniques can actually threaten the health of the patient, says one expert. The issue is more pressing than it appears at first, he notes, because so few of todays practitioners have ever administered the vaccine.
  • EOL a work-life issue for occ-med professionals

    The often taboo but critical issue of terminally ill employees or family members has received less attention than it merits, say many occupational health professionals. But the issue was brought to the fore again recently with the publication of a workplace end-of-life (EOL) implementation toolkit by Last Acts, a Washington, DC-based national coalition to improve care and caring near the end of life.
  • The business case for workplace EOL programs

    The following responses were reported in a survey of companies on end-of-life issues conducted in 1999 by Last Acts, when respondents were asked for input on the benefits of addressing issues.
  • HIPAA deadline looms: Is your facility ready?

    On April 14, covered entities under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) are expected to be in compliance with the new Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information.
  • SCI patients at risk for other health woes

    Workers with spinal cord injuries (SCI) face more than just the challenge of successful rehab and recovery they are often at greater risk than the general worker population for developing diseases related to a sedentary lifestyle due to a lack of exercise.
  • Careful analysis shows DM is money-saver

    While disease management (DM) programming intuitively makes sense to many occupational health professionals, it has been difficult to demonstrate that such programs actually save money.
  • Patient violence one of many ED threats

    In spite of heightened awareness of bioterrorism and the recent terrorist threat to hospitals in key U.S. cities, more than 90% of emergency department (ED) managers at VHA member hospitals polled at a recent conference cited patient violence as the greatest threat to ED personnel.
  • Reserve your smallpox vaccination handbook today

    American Health Consultants now offers the Hospital Handbook on Smallpox Vaccination, a facilitywide resource containing all the information you need about smallpox vaccination in most health care facilities and environments.