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Drug Formulary Review Archives – August 1, 2006

August 1, 2006

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  • States look at pharmacist 'conscience' laws regarding EC

    As the FDA continues to debate whether to approve Barr Laboratories' Plan B emergency contraception for over-the-counter sales, states are actively looking at whether pharmacists should have the right to refuse to dispense a medication on religious or moral grounds.
  • Academic health center ends drug company gifts

    The University of Pennsylvania health system is developing a new policy aimed at ending the drug company practice of gaining access to doctors by giving gifts such as meals and merchandise. As of July 1, the system is prohibiting physicians from accepting gifts and meals from drug company representatives on hospital premises.
  • Pharmacists go beyond the counter to aid inpatients

    A University of Iowa/Department of Veterans Affairs review of previously published studies found that getting hospital-based pharmacists out from behind the counter to work directly with inpatients and health care teams reduced medication errors and problems.
  • New Cigna plan to promote medication compliance

    Cigna Pharmacy Management has launched new preventive prescription drug plan options intended to promote medication compliance by providing a higher level of benefits coverage to employees who need certain medications to prevent illness or address specified chronic health care conditions.
  • MI hospital uses pharmacy automation technology

    William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, MI, one of the nation's leading hospitals, has purchased pharmacy robotic technology from ForHealth Technologies, Inc., to improve medication administration and efficiency.
  • Clinical team approach reduces cardiovascular risk

    Researchers at the Medical College of Wisconsin say a multidisciplinary clinical approach to caring for obese patients with metabolic syndrome could swiftly and significantly lower their heart disease risk.
  • News Briefs

    FDA approves special distribution program for Tysabri marketing; Baxter Healthcare agrees to fix manufacturing problems; New safety information added to Ketek labeling
  • New FDA Approvals

    The FDA recently approved these drugs: The first generic version of Pfizer's Zoloft (sertraline) was approved in tablets and a liquid concentrate (sertraline HCl).
  • Drug Criteria & Outcomes: Vaccine Update

    Vaccine development and appropriate use are essential components of preventive medicine, providing the reality of not only disease prevention, but also complete disease eradication.