Hospice Management Advisor Archives – November 1, 2007
November 1, 2007
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Buried trauma can impact hospice patients in unexpected ways
Hospice professionals need to be aware that end-of-life patients sometimes are dealing with post-traumatic stress from previous traumas, whether they served in a war or were abused as children. These buried memories and feelings can complicate physical symptoms, including patients' pain and suffering.Here are the symptoms that indicate a potential trauma
Past traumatic experiences can result in current physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms among hospice patients.Grief counselor offers ideas for dealing with male grief
True or false: If a male caregiver/family member doesn't show any emotion, then he is coping well with his grief over his loved one's dying.Therapy thresholds: New codes in place for 2008
Three different therapy thresholds, a new payment model for non-routine medical supplies, and additional questions for OASIS are just a few of the changes in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS) Home Health Prospective Payment System (HHPPS) for 2008.Palliative care program stresses teamwork
What makes an award-winning palliative care program? In the case of the program at the University of California at San Francisco, it's the combination of a collaborative approach to individualized patient care; extensive use of hospitalists; and a program that educates practicing physicians and medical, nursing, and pharmacy students and residents.Determining fair market value of consulting services
As many providers already know, the so-called "Stark law" prohibits physicians from making referrals to providers who render "designated health services" (DHS), if referring physicians have an ownership or investment interest in, or compensation arrangement with, the provider.