Same-Day Surgery – March 1, 2013
March 1, 2013
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Want to get a jump start on preventing infections? Have patients do the prep work
The times, they are a changin'. Surgical patients used to arrive at hospitals the day before surgery, where staff did all the prep work to ensure patients were as clean as possible to avoid post-surgical infections. -
Program to decrease SSIs wins quality award
A program to decrease surgical infections in knee, hip, and back procedures is a winner of the 2012 Bernard A. Kershner Innovations in Quality Improvement Awards. The award for surgical/procedural care is given annually by the AAAHC Institute for Quality Improvement (AAAHC Institute). An initiative to increase patient satisfaction garnered honorable mention. -
Effort will target outpatient complications
Physician texting poses HITECH security challenges
With almost 80% of cell phone owners reporting they use text messaging, it is no surprise that physicians are doing the same. -
HHS finalizes changes to HIPAA Requirements
Surgical 'never events' occur 79 times per week
After a cautious and rigorous analysis of national malpractice claims, Johns Hopkins patient safety researchers estimate that a surgeon in the United States leaves a foreign object such as a sponge or a towel inside a patient's body after an operation 39 times a week, performs the wrong procedure on a patient 20 times a week, and operates on the wrong body site 20 times a week. -
Advice from consultant or vendor can result in suit
There are several disparate areas in which following a vendor or consultant's recommendations could lead to liability for a provider or facility, warns Henry C. Fader, JD, an attorney at Pepper Hamilton in Philadelphia. -
Same-Day Surgery Manager: Technology to make your work life easier
Part of my job is to review technology: hardware, software, web applications, cell phone apps, and the like. What a sweet job, right? -
Hospital achieves $1.5 million increase