Same-Day Surgery – December 1, 2013
December 1, 2013
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Salespeople in operating room pose risks, require vetting and guidelines
Sentinel Event Alert issued on retained surgical items
The Joint Commission (TJC) has issued a Sentinel Event Alert urging surgery programs to take a new look at how to avoid mistakenly leaving items such as sponges, towels, and instruments in a patients body after surgery. -
What are reasons for retained items?
TJC examines risk factors, root causes. -
Ideas to reduce OR contamination
Simple remedies can help keep patients safe by decreasing contamination in operating and recovery rooms. -
On-time OR starts can be improved
Should infected surgeons inform patients?
Anesthetists: Question these treatments
The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) has released a list of specific tests or procedures that are commonly ordered but not always necessary in anesthesiology. -
Being receptive to coming changes
Bariatric surgery action brings disappointment