Same-Day Surgery – February 1, 2013
February 1, 2013
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This month: Best cost-saving tips from your peers
Are you throwing away money with unnecessary routine preop tests?
Are you performing unnecessary preoperative tests? If so, you're wasting expensive staff time required to conduct them and analyze them, as well as supplies needed to conduct them. In addition, you're experiencing potentially unnecessary surgical delays due to false positives. -
Training and checklist cut postop complications
Two simple cost-effective methods communications team training and a surgical checklist have been shown in a study to reduce postoperative complications, which are the most expensive medical errors, averaging $14,500 per case. -
Outpatient surgery center targets worker wellness
Outcomes-based incentives for employer-sponsored workplace wellness programs are expected to become more common as a result of provisions in the Affordable Care Act that encourage their use, but some employers aren't waiting. -
Want to save money? Meet with your bank
Would you like to realize dramatic cost savings, including cutting your interest rates in half? Meet with your bank once a year, suggests Joan Shearer, CASC, administrator of Lawrence (KS) Surgery Center. -
PA facilities implement wrong-site best practices
More than 30% of Pennsylvania healthcare facilities have successfully implemented 21 potential recommendations for preventing wrong-site surgery, according to the Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority (PPSA). Such efforts go a low way toward avoiding potentially costly lawsuits. -
Same-Day Surgery Manager: Unconventional cost control and reduction measures
At some point, after reducing cost so much, we are going to realize that the best option is to not do surgery at all. Think of the savings! -
CMS corrects list of ASC payable procedures
New toolkit developed on sleep apnea
A new toolkit for healthcare professionals was created to enhance safety for patients who have obstructive sleep apnea and are undergoing outpatient surgery. -
CDC tools help ensure every injection is safe
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Safe Injection Practices Coalition have released new materials to make it easier for clinicians and others working in healthcare to learn and train others about following safe injection practices. -
Online tool let you ID reprocessing cost savings
A new tool that calculates the financial and environmental impact of reprocessing is available from Phoenix, AZ-based Ascent, a division of Stryker Corp.