Primary Care Reports – June 1, 2003
June 1, 2003
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West Nile Virus in the United States
West Nile virus was of no concern to residents of North America until the summer of 1999, when it seemingly inexplicably struck in Queens, NY. The approximately 2700 cases of WNV meningoencephalitis reported through 2002 made it the largest such epidemic ever documented anywhere in the world. -
Pharmacology Watch: Pneumococcal Vaccine Ineffective at CAP Prevention
Pneumococcal Vaccine Ineffective at CAP Prevention; Flu Vaccine Limits Hospitalization; Verapamil Not Up To Competition; International Companies Unite Against SARS; New FDA Comissioner Brings Controversy; Janssen: Dear Doctor Letter for Risperidone -
Clinical Briefs in Primary Care Supplement