OB/GYN Clinical Alert – April 1, 2019
April 1, 2019
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Ultrasound vs. MRI in Diagnosis of Placenta Accreta
The authors of this two-center study found that magnetic resonance is not superior to ultrasound in diagnostic accuracy for placenta accreta spectrum disorders, and its usefulness is tempered particularly by a tendency to falsely upgrade the stage of severity.
Predicting Recurrence After Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery
SYNOPSIS: Prediction models can provide helpful information regarding the risk of recurrence after prolapse surgery.
Infertility Therapy Leads to Increased Risk of Severe Maternal Morbidity
Women undergoing infertility treatment, particularly in vitro fertilization, are at higher risk of severe maternal morbidity, but the overall risk remains low.
Update on Treatments for Vulvovaginal Atrophy
Vulvovaginal atrophy, now known as the genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM), occurs with the decline of estrogen in the menopausal period. As with many clinical conditions, the spectrum of GSM requires the clinician to consider the effect on the patient’s quality of life. Although many symptoms are pacified effectively with situational lubricants and regular moisturizers, local estrogen is a safe, effective, and affordable way to treat the vulvovaginal changes of menopause.