OB/GYN Clinical Alert – September 1, 2017
September 1, 2017
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17 P vs. Vaginal Progesterone
A recent randomized study suggested that vaginal progesterone is at least as good as, and may be superior to, intramuscular 17 alpha-hydroxy progesterone caproate in preventing recurrent preterm birth, but shortcomings in the study indicate that more investigation is needed.
Video Colposcopy: Does It Reduce Patient Anxiety?
This German randomized, controlled trial of 225 women naïve to colposcopy found that video colposcopy did not reduce patient anxiety during the procedure. However, the authors found that the real-time video feed increased participants’ understanding of their disease.
Is Bariatric Surgery the Antidote for Female-associated Cancers?
This study investigated gastric surgery as a prevention for female-associated cancers. Women with a body mass index of ≥ 38 kg/m2 who had surgery had an average of 28 kg of weight loss compared to the control group. This resulted in a statistically significant decrease in endometrial cancer.
Reproductive Rights in 2017: Follow-up and Call for Advocacy
The Trump administration has made good on a number of promises to roll back reproductive rights. As clinicians, we need to fight back to ensure access for our patients to essential services. This article seeks to document where we stand as of summer 2017, and present opportunities for engagement.