OB/GYN Clinical Alert – August 1, 2007
August 1, 2007
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More Good News from the WHI
The Women's Health Initiative (WHI) Coronary-Artery Calcium Study (WHI-CACS) was an ancillary study of estrogen-only participants in 28 of the 40 WHI centers. -
Reproductive and Sexual Function in Long-term Ovarian Cancer Survivors after Platinum-based Chemotherapy
Reproductive and sexual functioning following treatment for malignant ovarian germ cell tumors (GCTs) has been sparsely studied since the introduction conservative surgery and chemotherapy. -
Is a Genetic Amniocentesis Indicated for Isolated Choroid Plexus Cyst or Echogenic Cardiac Focus?
Aside from advanced maternal age, two of the most common reasons for referral for a genetic sonogram are fetal choroid plexus cysts (CPCs) and echogenic intracardiac foci (EIFs). -
Effect of Trauma and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder on Chronic Pelvic Pain
A questionnaire was administered to 713 consecutive patients referred to a pelvic pain clinic. In addition to the high frequency of a history of sexual and/or physical abuse, patients with a history of such trauma were found to have worse daily physical functioning due to poor health, more surgery, more time in bed, more medical symptoms, and more dysfunction due to pain. -
Does Test Order Affect Sensitivity in Vulvodynia?
This research team looked at the sensitivity measurements to pressure at both the vulva and thumb as they randomly assigned the order of tests. This was repeated a week later on the contralateral side. Among 13 women with vulvodynia and 20 control patients, there was a strong correlation between the two visits, and there was no order effect noted. -
Making the Diagnosis of Adenomyosis
The author has systematically reviewed the literature between 1949 and 2005, searching for research related to adenomyosis as well as the diagnosis thereof. Although superior to transabdominal sonography, the transvaginal route has a sensitivity of only 50-87%. -
Pharmacology Watch: SSRIs Associated With Low Rate of Birth Defects, Studies Show
Estrogen for Younger Postmenopausal Women; Warfarin Better for Atrial Fibrillation Patients; FDA Actions -
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