OB/GYN Clinical Alert – November 1, 2014
November 1, 2014
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Preventing Pertussis: Are Your Patients and Their Families Cocooning
SYNOPSIS: Prior vaccination of both parents with Tdap (¡°cocooning¡±) protects newborn infants from contracting pertussis. -
Does Single or Double Insemination During Ovulation Induction Cycle Increase Pregnancy Rates?
Synopsis: Performing intrauterine insemination with the use of donor sperm twice during a natural or stimulated ovulation induction cycle did not increase pregnancy rates over a single insemination.
Swedish Case-control Study Sees Increase in DVT Risk with DMPA: Is This Real?
Synopsis: A large case-control study done in Sweden that evaluated thromboembolic complications in users of hormonal contraception found an increased risk in users of depomedroxyprogesterone acetate and the combined pill. Desogestrel-containing oral contraceptives showed an increase in risk relative to levonorgestrel pills.
Use of Cervical Length and Fetal Fibronectin in Preterm Labor
SYNOPSIS: A large 10-center study has validated the concept of screening all patients who are presenting with preterm contractions in the third trimester with cervical length examinations by transvaginal sonography and using fetal fibronectin selectively only in those with cervical lengths between 1.5 and 3.0 cm.