OB/GYN Clinical Alert – February 1, 2005
February 1, 2005
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VBAC Revisited
In some hospitals Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) has been eliminated as an option for patients having had previous Cesarean sections. Although the major reason stated for this position has been risk of uterine rupture, there is more to this stance which involves potential liability and the inconvenience to providers of having to be immediately available for the duration of these patients labors. -
Effects of a Low-Glycemic Load Diet on Resting Energy Expenditure and Heart Disease Risk Factors During Weight Loss
The effect of caloric restriction upon metabolism was gated by whether sugars or fats were preferentially restricted. A low-glycemic load diet (glucose restriction) yielded more favorable biochemical profiles than restricting fats. -
Immunotherapy for Consolidation Treatment of Ovarian Cancer — Is This the One?
Consolidation therapy with oregovomab did not significantly improve TTR overall. A set of confirmatory phase III studies has been initiated to determine whether the SFLT population derives benefit from oregovomab treatment. -
Improving the Use of Prophylactic Antibiotics
Diluigi and colleagues in Rhode Island compared the outcomes of 400 patients undergoing hysterectomy with 686 hysterectomy cases performed prior to the institution of a policy for prophylactic antibiotics. Abdominal, vaginal, and laparoscopic cases were included, with the primary aspects being rates and timing of preoperative antibiotic administration as well as postoperative febrile morbidity. -
The WHI-Wayne State Fracas
Womens Health Initiative (WHI) investigators from Wayne State University performed an analysis using the WHI database and presented the results at the 2004 annual meeting of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM). Two months later, the presentation on the effects of oral contraception on cardiovascular disease drew a critical response from the director of the WHI, Barbara Alving, MD, who is also the acting director of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. -
Pharmacology Watch: Statins and the Incidence of Rhabdomyolysis
A Crackdown on Importation of Drugs; FDA Actions. -
Clinical Briefs in Primary Care supplement