OB/GYN Clinical Alert – June 1, 2003
June 1, 2003
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Trends in Incidence Rates of Invasive Lobular and Ductal Breast Carcinoma
The rationale for the present investigation was that a growing number of studies have reported that the risk of breast cancer associated with use of combined hormone replacement therapy (CHRT) differs by histological type. -
Hormonal Contraception and Cervical Cancer
An increased risk of cervical cancer is associated with long durations of use of hormonal contraceptives. -
Does Cesarean Delivery Prevent Anal Incontinence?
Severe anal incontinence occurs after elective cesarean delivery as well as vaginal delivery, suggesting that pregnancy itself may lead to pelvic floor disorders. -
Prospective Study of Alcohol Consumption and Risk of Dementia in Older Adults
Compared with abstention, consumption of 1-6 drinks weekly of alcoholic beverages was associated with a lower risk of dementia among adults older than 65 years. -
Special Feature: Should Every Patient Have Second-Trimester Biochemical Testing Regardless of Amniocentesis?
The point of this special feature is to demonstrate that there is more to biochemical testing in the second trimester than screening for aneuploidy or neural tube defects. -
Special Offer to Subscribers
Pharmacology Watch: Pneumococcal Vaccine Ineffective at CAP Prevention
Pneumococcal Vaccine Ineffective at CAP Prevention; Flu Vaccine Limits Hospitalization; Verapamil Not Up To Competition; International Companies Unite Against SARS; New FDA Comissioner Brings Controversy; Janssen: Dear Doctor Letter for Risperidone -
Clinical Briefs in Primary Care Supplement