Neurology Alert – June 1, 2016
June 1, 2016
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Migraine with Aura and Systemic Right-to-Left Shunt: Risk for Stroke?
Right-to-left shunts, as detected by transcranial Doppler, are more common in patients with migraine with aura, but are not correlated with increased risk of silent posterior circulation infarcts or white matter lesions on MRI.
Eating Behavior in Frontotemporal Dementias
In a prospective, controlled study of 49 patients with dementia and 25 healthy controls, marked hyperphagia is restricted to behavioral-variant frontotemporal dementia patients that is likely due to differing neural networks, while increased sucrose preference is likely controlled by a similar network in both behavioral-variant frontotemporal dementia and semantic dementia patients.
Sleep Disorders Associated with Traumatic Brain Injury
Patients with traumatic brain injuries need longer sleep times to heal the injured brain, and persistent pleiosomnia at 18 months implies that ongoing abnormalities are producing an increased need for sleep.
Mechanisms of Tissue Hypoxia and Cerebral Ischemia in Traumatic Brain Injury
Tissue hypoxia after traumatic brain injury occurs in a widespread manner in the brain, including areas that appear structurally normal. Moreover, cerebral tissue hypoxia appears to occur independent of ischemia with areas of no overlap, implying a microvascular etiology.
Demyelinating Neuropathies in Children
Electrodiagnostic criteria using nerve conduction velocities are useful to distinguish most hereditary neuropathies from acquired neuropathies in children.