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– November 1, 2005

November 1, 2005

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  • Pharmacology Watch

    Roche is Under Pressure Over Its Antiviral Drug Tamiflu; ACE Inhibitors or ARBs for Prediabetics?; Xigris is Approved for Severe Sepsis; ACE Inhibitors Inhibiting Aortic Valve Stenosis?; FDA Actions
  • Clinical Briefs in Primary Care supplement

  • Single-Agent Rituximab in Patients with Follicular or Mantle Cell Lymphoma

    This study defined the characteristics predicting response and EFS to rituximab. Prolonged treatment results in longer EFS at the cost of a longer reduction in B cell and IgM levels, but without additional clinical toxicity.
  • Adjuvant Radiation Treatment After Radical Prostatectomy May Improve Survival

    In this large, randomized trial, the question of whether immediate postoperative radiation therapy for those prostate cancer patients treated by initial radical prostatectomy and found to have disease extending through the capsule (pT3) had added clinical benefit. Data with regard to local control and duration of biochemical (PSA) remission support the application of this approach. It will take additional time to be certain whether such intermediate positive outcomes translate to less metastatic disease and improved overall survival.
  • Erythropoietin Use in Breast Cancer Patients with Normal Hemoglobin Levels May Lead to Increased Mortality

    In a large, multicenter trial, the use of recombinant erythropoietin to maintain hemoglobin levels above anemic levels in chemotherapy treated patients with metastatic breast cancer, survival was reduced in those on the study drug. This trial, initially published in preliminary form 1 year ago is presented in more detail in this report. The question of optimal use of erythropoietic agents in the context of overall survival needs additional intense investigation.
  • Thal/Dex Superior to VAD Before Transplant

    In this retrospective review of patients with MDS reclassified according to the WHO, prognostic grouping using the WHO was found to have important prognostic value. Specifically, patients with RA and RARS fare significantly better than those with multi-lineage dysplasia (RCMD). Cytogenetics, independent of WHO classification, significantly influenced survival. The development of iron overloaded among low-risk patients was associated with worse outcome. This study points to the value of both the WHO classification system and cytogenetics for MDS.
  • Factors That Predict Relapse after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer

    Breast cancer patients who receive neoadjuvant chemotherapy and achieve pathologic complete remission have a favorable outlook. However, some go on to develop recurrent disease. In this report, the experience at a single institution indicates that premenopausal patients with more advanced primary lesions and fewer axillary nodes resected are more likely to develop distant metastases.