Hospital Infection Control & Prevention – February 1, 2012
February 1, 2012
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OSHA strongly opposes feds move to mandatory flu shots for HCWs
In a stunning setback to a federal move to mandate seasonal flu shots for health care workers, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) said there is insufficient evidence to warrant such policies and openly questioned the longstanding perception that they make patients safer, Hospital Infection Control & Prevention learned. -
Joint Commission pushes 90% flu goal
Beginning in July 2012, The Joint Commission will require hospitals to improve influenza rates annually and to work toward a national goal of 90% flu vaccination of health care workers. -
Cameras + feedback = 88% HH compliance
A novel solution to the historic problem of hand hygiene (HH) compliance suggests "Big Brother" and all its ominous connotations may be not such an unwelcome presence after all.