Medical Ethics Advisor – August 1, 2011
August 1, 2011
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Spina bifida clinical trial brings unexpected ethical dilemmas
A study, The Management of Myelomeningocele Study (MOMS), that appeared in The New England Journal of Medicine found that if a baby suffering from spina bifida is operated on while still in the uterus, the most common and serious complication, myelomeningocele (MMC), can be greatly reduced. -
Survey targets ethics in mental health field
The moral struggles and ethical controversies encountered in physician practices all over America can be considered insurmountable at times. A recent study published in Psychiatric Times focused on a range of ethical dilemmas encountered in daily practice. -
Ethics mentoring — lead by example
Research institutions that make it a goal to improve ethical conduct among staff, researchers, and students engaged in research should focus on providing better ethics education, developing sound policies & procedures, and leading by example, an expert says. -
Hospice cap changes evaluated by CMS
After two district courts struck down the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' (CMS) regulations for calculating hospice caps, CMS issued an unprecedented rule that allowed all hospices with appropriately filed hospice cap repayment demand appeals to avoid going to court. -
The infinite power of personal health records
Is the possibility of a person having total access to their individual health records too much power for the person? If given such access, could a person incorrectly alter or add information to the record? -
Discussion of EOL care helps patients, families
For patients with severe heart failure, an implanted mechanical pump known as a Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) can be a life-sustaining treatment. Even though the technology involves risks, few patients and their families tend to talk explicitly about the "what ifs" before surgery takes place. -
R&D center adapts for multicenter studies
As a research institution's human subjects research increases, so must the work. -
Genetic review finds common ground
In response to concerns raised about review boards' evaluation of genetic research, a group of investigators, ethicists, and other stakeholders has surveyed genetic researchers and review board professionals to discern what issues are complicating review. -
Public prefers limited informed consent
A team of University of Iowa (UI) researchers conducted a study to determine people's preferences with respect to informed consent for biobanking. Forty-one percent of people surveyed and 54% of those in focus groups were in favor of the broad approach to providing consent.