Medical Ethics Advisor – August 1, 2005
August 1, 2005
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Delivering news of sudden death: Make sure you inflict no harm
American physicians are recognized by many as leading the world in delivering the best medical care, but their expertise in delivering news of death to patients families is less than stellar, according to a death issues educator. -
Study: MDs misrepresent symptoms for payment
If youre a physician and you have ever (or often) misrepresented patients symptoms to make sure their treatment and your services are covered by insurance, youre not alone. -
Expanded criteria offer new hope for kidney transplants
Just a few years ago, kidneys in an adult age 60 or older, or in someone age 50 to 59 who had two or more of the following criteria death from stroke, hypertension, or elevated creatinine were considered outside the standard criteria for transplantation and went with their owner to the grave. -
Terminal sedation vs. PAS: Difference just semantics?
Physician-assisted suicide (PAS) in the United States is legal only in Oregon, but the palliative care practice of terminal sedation is viewed by some as accomplishing the same thing as PAS, only without the stigma and illegality associated with intentional euthanasia. -
Hospitals in advertising arena must tread fine line
Like any other businesses in a competitive market, hospitals are investing heavily in advertising; but hospitals are held to a different standard than supermarkets and car dealerships when it comes to vying for customers. -
News Briefs
Hospitals that receive federal funds would have to advise rape victims of the availability of emergency contraception (EC) to prevent pregnancy under bipartisan legislation that has been introduced into the U.S. House.