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IRB Advisor – February 1, 2006

February 1, 2006

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  • South Korean research controversy raises questions about oversight

    As the story developed in headlines from around the world it grew from questions about ethical lapses on the part of a South Korean stem cell researcher to his admission of fake data.
  • Tips for IRBs overseeing international research

    The recent headlines and controversy over the resignation of a South Korean investigator who admitted to ethical lapses and fraudulent data have raised concerns among IRBs and others in the research industry.
  • Optimization committee helps with consistency

    Every other week, those most directly involved in protecting human subjects in Vanderbilt Universitys research programs meet in an effort to ensure that the universitys policies and procedures are implemented consistently across its four institutional review boards.
  • Are third parties due protection?

    Much of social-behavioral research is, at its heart, the study of social relationships between ourselves and our family, our friends, our coworkers, and others in our lives.
  • Data customization possible with IRBANA

    An IRB data management software system currently being rolled out at institutions across the country gives IRBs the ability to minutely tailor their own systems and to suggest their own additions.
  • Community ethics training program wins award

    Formal ethics training and education for community representatives who serve on IRBs or otherwise provide an ethical perspective regarding human subjects research is one area of research training that has been overlooked by many institutions.
  • News Brief

    The Ethical Force Program, a collaborative effort of the American Medical Association (AMA) to develop health care systemwide performance measures for ethics, will be field-testing a tool kit on patient-centered communication with diverse populations from March to December 2006 with eight volunteer hospitals and eight physician groups.