Integrative Medicine Alert – January 1, 2021
January 1, 2021
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Creating Healing Environments: Band-Aids and Beyond
Because normative messages affecting diversity and inclusion are conveyed by the application of a bandage and its color, healers are called to offer and employ newly available adhesive bandages in a multitude of skin tones.
A Proinflammatory Diet’s Association with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
An analysis of data from three large prospective cohort studies revealed a proinflammatory diet as a risk factor for incident Crohn’s disease, but not for ulcerative colitis.
A Prescription for Volunteering
This large, observational study of U.S. adults aged older than 50 years found that volunteering ≥ 100 hours yearly is associated with a reduced risk of mortality and several favorable psychosocial outcomes when compared with peers reporting 0 volunteer hours yearly.