Integrative Medicine Alert – April 1, 2016
April 1, 2016
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Prenatal Exercise for Pregnancy-induced Hypertension and Weight Gain
Regular exercise throughout pregnancy wards off hypertension and excessive gestational weight gain without increasing the incidence of low birthweight infants.
Mind Over (Back Pain) Matter: An RCT
Mindfulness meditation training led to greater short-term function and less pain in adults with chronic low back pain when compared to a control group receiving only educational sessions.
Integrative Approaches to Alzheimer’s Disease
The medical community had warning. “Dementia in the Elderly: The Silent Epidemic,” a 1982 Annals of Internal Medicine landmark article, looked at the “greying of America” and noted one natural consequence of longer life span would be an explosive impact on the prevalence of dementia. Indeed, the epidemic has come — not only in the United States, but also globally, with dementia affecting an estimated 46 million people worldwide in 2015 and projected to affect 131 million by 2050.