Integrative Medicine Alert – December 1, 2015
December 1, 2015
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Prevention of Relapse in Depression: Antidepressants or Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy?
Maintenance antidepressants or mindfulness-based cognitive therapy aimed at tapering or discontinuing antidepressants are both effective interventions for prevention of recurrent depression.
Mediterranean Diet Increases Brain Volume
Higher adherence to the Mediterranean diet led to measurable increases in brain volume in a multi-ethnic sampling of older adults.
High-intensity Intermittent Training for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
High-intensity intermittent training improves cardiac structure and function in addition to reducing liver and visceral fat mass among non-insulin dependent type 2 diabetics.
The Removal of Dietary Fructose Improves Pediatric Health
In 43 children with obesity and metabolic syndrome, 9 days of dietary sugar reduction (isocaloric with starch substitution) improved numerous metabolic parameters and led to more than 2 pounds of weight loss.
No More Bacon? Carcinogenicity of Meat
A review of published research by the World Health Organization concludes that processed meats are probably carcinogenic.