Integrative Medicine Alert – March 1, 2009
March 1, 2009
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Guys Need Strong Bones Too: Calcium Is Not Just for Women Anymore
This well-designed two-year trial shows that 1,200 mg daily of calcium citrate in healthy middle-aged men translates into higher bone mineral density and fewer falls, expanding on a body of evidence that had been focused primarily on the use of calcium in women and osteoporosis. -
Should Vitamin D Screening Be Routine in All CVD Patients?
Hypovitaminosis D was found to be highly prevalent in U.S. adults with CVD, particularly those with both coronary heart disease and heart failure. -
Flexible? Yoga and Rheumatoid Arthritis
Results of this pilot trial of structured yoga therapy for people with rheumatoid arthritis suggest potential therapeutic benefits, but severe methodological flaws relegate the findings to the realm of suggesting the need for further research, not that of a change in therapeutic approach. -
Sleep Quality and the Common Cold: Where Are the Data?
Lack of sleep impairs the immune system and lowers resistance to viral illness. The quality of sleep is important. Those volunteers who spent less than 92% of their time in bed asleep were five-and-a-half times more likely to become ill than those who were asleep for at least 98% of their time in bed. -
Forget the Munchies: Can Calorie Restriction Improve Memory?
Self-reported modest reduction of caloric intake by 30% for a duration of three months improves cognitive function in healthy elderly subjects. -
B12 and Canker Sores
Vitamin B12 was effective in the treatment of recurrent aphthous stomatitis. -
News Briefs: NIHSeniorHealth Web Site Adds CAM Information
Visitors to nihseniorhealth, the national institutes of Health (NIH) web site designed especially for older adults, now have the opportunity to learn about complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).