Infectious Disease Alert – January 1, 2019
January 1, 2019
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Is Sanitizer Better Than Soap?
In day care settings, the implementation of hand hygiene programs reduced respiratory illness, absenteeism, and antibiotic use in children 0 to 3 years of age. Using hand sanitizer was more effective than washing with soap and water.
Should Acute Appendicitis Be Managed Without Appendectomy?
A retrospective cohort study that used national insurance claims data found patients with acute appendicitis who were treated nonsurgically had higher rates of complications and higher overall cost of care.
The Longhorned Tick: Is It Coming to a Place Near You?
A tick that can transmit several infections has been newly identified in the United States.
Preventing Clostridioides difficile Infections: Early De-escalation of Antipseudomonal Antibiotics
Early discontinuation of empirically administered antipseudomonal antibiotics may prevent many cases of Clostridioides difficile infection.
Acute Flaccid Myelitis 2018
The number of reported cases of acute flaccid myelitis, a paralytic disease of unknown etiology, has increased.
Antibiotic Decision-Making Between Medical and Surgical Teams
In an observational study conducted at an academic medical center in London, researchers looked at factors involved in decision-making. The presumptive diagnosis of infection by the emergency department (ED) influenced decision-making by both medical and surgical admitting teams. Medical teams tended to use a multidisciplinary approach to antibiotic decision-making. Surgical teams often delegated antibiotic decision-making to the most junior members of the surgical team.
Infectious Disease Alert Updates
Circulation of a Novel Vaccinia Virus in Brazilian Equids; Chopin’s Brandied Heart; The Scent of Malaria