Infectious Disease Alert – May 1, 2004
May 1, 2004
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MRSA Carriage Among Hospital Employees and Their Families
A total of 6.2% of hospital employees were nasal carriers of MRSA, with the rate highest among workers in long-term care (36%). In 4 of 10 families surveyed, family members were colonized by the same MRSA as the employee. -
Spectrum of Disease Associated with Human Metapneumovirus Infection in Children
Human metapneumovirus was the likely cause of 12% of all lower respiratory tract illnesses among a population of 2009 children studied from 1976 to 2001 presenting with acute respiratory symptoms. Clinical manifestations of metapneumovirus infection were bronchiolitis (59%), croup (18%), pneumonia (8%), and exacerbation of asthma (14%). -
Animal Feed and Antibiotic Resistance
An antibiotic preparation meant for addition to animal feed was found to be contaminated with antibiotic resistance genes. Fortunately, the genes being used generally encode for resistance mechanisms that are already highly prevalent in gastrointestinal bacteria. -
An Outbreak of Clostridium difficile Diarrhea Associated with Gatifloxacin
A formulary switch from levofloxacin to gatifloxacin as the preferred quinolone in a long-term care facility was associated with a significant increase in the incidence of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea (CDAD). A case-control study showed that duration of gatifloxacin was independently associated with illness. Switching back to levofloxacin was followed by a decrease in incidence of CDAD to prior levels. -
MRSA With Reduced Susceptibility to Vancomycin
Receipt of vancomycin antedated isolation of MRSA with reduced susceptibility to vancomycin in 25 patients. Fortunately, there are several alternatives to vancomycin for many of these isolates. There are, in addition, a large number of antibiotics in the pipeline with activity against Gram-positive organisms. -
ICAAC/IDSA/ASTMH 2003 Conference Coverage
This summary of selected abstracts from 3 meetings is published in multiple parts. The 43rd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC) met in Chicago September 14-17, 2003. The Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) met in San Diego October 9-12, 2003. The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene met in Philadelphia December 3-7, 2003. -
Updates By Carol A. Kemper, MD, FACP
Includes the following Articles: Improved Blood Donor Screening for WNV, Azithromycin Failure as Prophylaxis or Treatment of Syphilis, United Kingdom Cracks Down on Potential Blood Donors and Human and Feline Sporotrichosis in Rio. -
Clinical Briefs in Primary Care Supplement
Pharmacology Watch