Healthcare Risk Management – September 1, 2012
September 1, 2012
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Attorneys debate whether ACA will lead to more or fewer malpractice cases
Risk managers and malpractice defense and plaintiffs attorneys are divided over whether the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will have a direct impact on the number of malpractice cases. -
Medical malpractice claims could decrease under ACA
It is possible that the increased preventative care provided by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) could even reduce the number of patients seeking emergent or late-term medical care, thereby reducing medical malpractice claims, but that situation is far from certain, says James Ron Kennedy, MHA, ARM, AIC, vice president for risk management and patient safety at Louisiana Medical Mutual Insurance Co. (LAMMICO) in Metairie. -
What risk managers can do now to prepare for ACA impact
The key to survival in the post-Affordable Care Act (ACA) world is to make sure the organization has a vigorous corporate enterprise risk management process, says James Ron Kennedy, MHA, ARM, AIC, vice president for risk management and patient safety at Louisiana Medical Mutual Insurance Co. (LAMMICO) in Metairie. -
Long-term care liability loss rates and severity at a high
Long-term care liability loss rates and claim severity have reached an eight-year high and are expected to grow steadily in 2013 against a backdrop of healthcare provider budget constraints and uncertainty about healthcare reform, according to a new report from Aon Risk Solutions, the global risk management business of Aon. -
IT security requires more than producing a long policy
IT security is becoming more important in healthcare every day, but the old ways of educating employees and physicians on this topic are insufficient, say leading IT security experts. Risk managers should consider entirely revamping the way IT security is taught and monitored, they say. -
Seven steps to improving IT security among staff
If youre serious about creating awareness among your workforce to the security risks that healthcare providers face, Dominic Saunders, senior vice president of the NETconsent business unit at the London office of Cryptzone, a technical security company based in Gothenburg, Sweden, offers this seven-point action plan: -
Hospital changes procedures after child’s death
NYU Langone Medical Center, part of New York University, has changed its procedures for handling potential cases of septic shock after the death of a 12-year-old boy who was misdiagnosed. -
Hospitals trying for better diagnosis of sepsis in kids
Hospital reduces med errors to 0.1 per 1,000
Operating a small hospital doesnt mean you cant think big. Ellenville Regional Hospital (ERH), a 25-bed rural hospital in Wawarsing, NY, is enjoying success with a medication reconciliation and patient safety project that would be the envy of any large teaching institution by reducing medication-related events to a very low 0.1 occurrences per 1,000 doses dispensed. -
Medmal payments lowest ever in 2011, advocacy group says
Medical malpractice payments in 2011 were at their lowest level on record by almost any measure, according to a report by the consumer advocacy group Public Citizen in Washington, DC. -
Few adverse events reported to state systems
Many adverse events in hospitals are never reported to state adverse event reporting systems, according to a recent report by the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (HHS OIG). -
ASHRM joins the FDA in surgical fire prevention effort
Legal Review & Commentary: Excessively strong birth contractions lead to $3.75 million settlement
News: In 2007, a woman in labor was given oxytocin to help speed up her delivery and increase the frequency and intensity of her contractions. -
Legal Review & Commentary: Transplant of diseased heart results in $2.35 million verdict
News: On Nov. 26, 2006, a 49-year-old man from Howard Beach, NY, underwent a heart transplant at a New York City hospital. Less than a week later, on Dec. 2, 2006, the patients new heart suffered a massive hemorrhage.