Healthcare Risk Management – September 1, 2001
September 1, 2001
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HMOs, hospitals: Brace for an onslaught of lawsuits from patients’ bill of rights
Hospital denies role in PA court action
Nurse whistle-blowers protected by court ruling
Practices that could improve patient safety
Errors in the report on medical errors?
Ruling: Patients must get results after complaints
Group says EMTALA violations frequent
Hospitals asked to report on medical error prevention efforts
HHS clarifies patient privacy protection rules
Doctor says she was fired for blowing whistle
Nursing home found liable for employee’s assault
Use of bar codes urged for all drug packaging
AHP settles fraud case with government for $7M
Legal Review & Commentary - Failure to monitor oxygen levels leads to brain damage: $2.7 million settlement in Kansas
Legal Review & Commentary - A newborn falls: $37,000 verdict
Legal Review & Commentary - Infant dies of meconium: $9.6 million Illinois verdict
Patient Safety Quarterly: Beat Mother Nature to the punch with good emergency plan
Patient Safety Quarterly: Sources for help in creating a disaster plan