Healthcare Risk Management – April 1, 2001
April 1, 2001
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Advice-of-counsel defense not as useful as you might think, or hope, in civil cases
Major review set for privacy regs
Reader question: Be a privacy officer only if you have time
IOM says safety rules need major overhaul
Costs soar; some PA OBs are calling it quits
Doctors on-line often, and are wary of privacy
Medication delivery gets a safety boost
Leading medical schools agree on new guidelines
Could intensivists save thousands of lives?
Doctors suspended for operating on wrong side
Legal Review & Commentary: Patient falls in recovery room, landing on just-operated knee: $175,000 verdict
Legal Review & Commentary: Elderly patient falls twice: $670,000 Texas verdict
Legal Review & Commentary: Fall leads to partial paralysis: $4.5 million
Patient Safety Alert Supplement