Healthcare Risk Management – February 1, 2002
February 1, 2002
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Once more, with feeling: Wrong-site surgery is still an unsolved problem
Streamline procedures to lower odds of big errors
Visit HRM, ED Legal Letter site
Errors: What we have is a failure to communicate
Found: 13-inch retractor was left inside a patient
Bioterrorism plans grow from variety of sources
Doctors faces charges for Oxycontin ’scripts
Hospital wins suit over surgeons and privilege
St. Paul discontinues malpractice insurance
Guest Column: Pharmaceutical marketing practices face new scrutiny
Group purchaser requires bar codes on medications
Legal Review & Commentary: Teen-ager dies after tonsillectomy: $9 million verdict in KY
Patient Safety Quarterly: Look for specific hazards and then plan for problems
Bioterrorism Watch: Ease of access to deadly chemicals may be the greatest threat to hospital readiness
Bioterrorism Watch: Triage, decontamination after chemical exposures
Bioterrorism Watch: Signs and symptoms of chemical exposures