Healthcare Risk Management – May 1, 2002
May 1, 2002
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Is it a real sentinel event? Or a mock one? Practice makes perfect in times of crisis
Reader Question: Computerized prompts should match the policy
Unsanitary conditions lead to shakeup in KC
HCA fraud convictions overturned on appeal
Report calls for national errors reporting system
NJ sees 250% increase in its malpractice premiums
Insurance carrier says device can avoid injuries
FDA urges recall of some gynecological devices
Joint Commission urges patients to speak up
CA providers advised on safe prescribing, education
Legal Review & Commentary: Catastrophic brain damage follows insulin overdose: $4 million present-dollar settlement in California
Legal Review & Commentary: Post-delivery trouble: $350,000 VA verdict
Bioterrorism Watch: Traumatized health care providers may need stress counseling in horrific aftermath of bioterror attack
Bioterrorism Watch: Dire straits: Plague released at concert
Bioterrorism Watch: Winds of war: Researchers track airborne anthrax