Hospital Peer Review – June 1, 2019
June 1, 2019
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Optimize Data Visualization to Improve Communication About Quality Improvement
Visualization can be taken further by adding a narrative — telling a story with the data and graphics rather than presenting a static representation. -
Examples of Data Visualization for Healthcare
Examples come from the National Center for Health Statistics and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, among others. -
Quality Standards for ASCs May Require More Attention
With more than half of hospital surgeries performed in an ambulatory setting, some quality improvement professionals are questioning whether there are adequate metrics for measuring quality and patient safety. -
Quick Wins: Blood Draws, Infection Rates, Sepsis
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center has had success with several quick wins through the kind of quality improvement effort that yields meaningful change without requiring a lot of time, money, or effort. -
Baby-Friendly Designation Comes After Efforts in Multiple Areas of Care
The Family Birth Center at Harrison Medical Center in Silverdale, WA, recently was designated a Baby-Friendly facility, joining other hospitals that have completed a long review process and met extensive criteria. -
Third-Party SDOH Data Can Help Improve Quality of Care
Healthcare providers are increasingly focusing on social determinants of health to improve quality of care and outcomes, and many are finding that data from third parties can be key to the success of those programs. -
Campaign Calls Attention to EHR Usability and Patient Safety
A national campaign is attempting to demonstrate some of the problems with electronic health records by showing how they can interfere with clinicians’ efforts to provide quality care. -
TJC Issues Advisory on Drug Diversion
Noting that about 10% of U.S. healthcare workers abuse drugs, The Joint Commission has issued Quick Safety, Issue 48: “Drug diversion and impaired health care workers.” -
AHA: Hold Off on Star Ratings Until CMS Can Fix Problems
Problems with the structure and execution of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) star ratings are so serious that CMS should halt their use until repairs can be made, according to a letter sent by the American Hospital Association to the government agency.