Hospital Employee Health – March 1, 2014
March 1, 2014
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OSHA to hospitals: Do the right thing by making worker safety a priority
While there is no national standard requiring safe patient handling, the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration is making an all-out appeal to hospitals to do the right thing and to recognize the potential cost-savings. -
'Road map' gives path for SPH success
You bought lift equipment, trained your staff and added new patient mobility assessments. Yet your injuries continue. What gives? -
CDC: Test workers for HBV immunity
A growing number of health care workers are coming into their profession with childhood vaccination against hepatitis B virus (HBV). -
OSHA extends comment period on recordkeeping
Slips, falls likely to rise, older HCWs at greater risk
Older workers are generally safer workers, but there is one risk that rises steadily with age: slips, trips and falls. -
Causes of Slip, Trip, and Fall Injuries
Aging RNs ease into retirement
Include patients in programs to reduce falls
In nursing, does violence 'come with the job'?
Every day, nurses face a barrage of threats, insults and assaults from patients or visitors, yet almost half never report verbal or physical assaults. -
Putting employees in front of Employee Health