Hospital Case Management – January 1, 2022
January 1, 2022
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From Homelessness to Self-Sufficiency, Case Management-Style Program Works
Case managers increasingly recognize the importance of addressing social determinants of health among patients across the care continuum, but evidence-based interventions are scarce. One new program seeks to change this with tactics to address one of the most prevalent social determinants of health: Poverty. A novel care transition and community case management program provides an evidence-based standard of care to treat poverty as an environmentally based and treatable condition.
Case Study Shows Positive Results of Intensive Care Coordination
For one client, care coordination assistance through a Transition to Success framework helped her go from being homeless to housed within 86 days. -
Project ECHO Reduces Readmissions, Shortens SNF Length of Stay
The Project Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes connects multidisciplinary skilled nursing facility teams with a multidisciplinary hospital team via videoconferencing. The program effectively reduces patient readmissions and skilled nursing facility length of stay. -
Researchers Identify High Costs of Various Conditions
Researchers recently identified predictors of high-cost hospital stays related to ambulatory care-sensitive conditions. The highest median cost of care is related to heart failure, followed by diabetes and COPD. -
Link Found Between Stroke Patient Readmission Disparities and Minority Status
Black stroke patients are more likely to be readmitted to the hospital than white stroke patients, but this gap closes in hospitals with better nurse staffing levels, investigators found. These patients could experience better outcomes if hospitals allocate nursing resources in a way that appropriately addresses their additional, extenuating concerns and issues. -
New Research Supports Use of a Prenatal Case Management-Style Intervention
A new study of an intervention that used care management techniques to help women improve prenatal health revealed women made some positive changes, including reduced consumption of sugary drinks, increases in physical activity, and a decrease in pregnancy-related anxiety. Called the First 1,000 Days, the systems-oriented program, which starts in early pregnancy and lasts through the first 24 months of infancy, is for low-income mother/infant pairs. It is designed to help women and their children eliminate obesity risk factors. -
Addressing Healthcare Disparities
For some patients, there exists certain health disparities — “preventable differences in the burden of disease, injury, violence, or in opportunities to achieve optimal health experienced by socially disadvantaged racial, ethnic, and other population groups, and communities,” as defined by the CDC. Case managers are in a unique position to address these challenges as they serve as a more concrete bridge between healthcare and the patient. -
Changes in Senior Care Post-COVID-19
Although the COVID-19 pandemic is not over, it is not too early to see changes to senior care because of what was learned in 2020 and beyond.