Hospital Case Management – April 1, 2002
April 1, 2002
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Case managers must take a proactive role in managing denials
Software can improve denial management
Effective documentation: Know you’re doing it right
Medication errors: How CMs can make care safer
Discharge Planning Advisor: Discharge process enables faster placement
Discharge Planning Advisor: To smooth discharge, check bed ‘life cycle’
Critical Path Network: New protocol can rule out MIs in 90 minutes
Critical Path Network: JCR issues ‘call to action’ for good practices
Critical Path Network: Cooperative accreditation in the works for hospitals
Critical Path Network: CCMC changes exam dates to increase accessibility
Bioterrorism Watch: Building a bridge over the abyss: Will bioterrorism help bring disjointed health system together?
Bioterrorism Watch: CDC gets plenty of advice for action
Bioterrorism Watch: Was anthrax mailer a bioweapons researcher?
Bioterrorism Watch: Bioterrorism forensics: The burden of proof
Patient Safety Alert Supplement