Hospital Access Management – February 1, 2018
February 1, 2018
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Fast Food or Retail Background, and a Great Attitude? Employee May Be Perfect for Patient Access
Patient access leaders are recruiting new hires from nontraditional backgrounds such as retail and food service, searching for strong customer service skills. Important attributes include having a friendly demeanor, apologizing for long waits without being told, and remaining cheerful in difficult situations.
‘Another Hospital Costs Less,’ or Does It? Educate Price-shopping Patients
Patient access can follow several steps to make it more likely that patients who price shop to get estimates for costs of procedures will choose their hospital.
Novel Registrar-led Initiative Collected $674,000 in a Month
Novant Health’s patient access department was falling short of its collection goals until a task force got an enthusiastic team member involved in the initiative. This resulted in record collections of $674,000 in one month.
Collect in ED Setting Without Violating EMTALA or Angering Patients
CoxHealth increased ED point-of-service collections by 20% by asking for copays consistently. This article discusses steps that patient access departments can take to succeed and improve collections.
ED Registrars Work to Change Perceptions
ED registrars face competing priorities. First and foremost, they have to be certain they aren’t violating Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act requirements.
Handle Early-morning Volume Surges at Surgical Registration
Cross-training in patient access at Albany Medical Center prevents early-morning delays at surgical check-in, helps with sudden volume surges in the ED, and provides other benefits.
Patients Present as Self-Pay, but Leave With Coverage
Patient access departments are helping self-pay patients in multiple ways.