Hospital Access Management – August 1, 2001
August 1, 2001
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Special report: Upfront collections - As a staff’s comfort level soars, so does the rate of its collections
Special report: Upfront collections - Need support for copay? Back it up with the figures
Special report: Upfront collections - ‘No pressure,’ AM says, as copay collections rise
Special report: Upfront collections - Pay now or pay to park, UTMB patients are told
Incomplete orders down, thanks to access efforts
Access airs concerns while staff get lunch
Consolidated billing can smooth operations
Access Feedback: Maine hospital reports pre-reg consent success
Access Feedback: Promina tries out on-line preregistration
News briefs: MA law requires ED interpreters; ED visits top 100 million; HCFA's new name
Billing ‘out of whack,’ focus groups believe