ED Management – March 1, 2007
March 1, 2007
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Reimbursement cuts, payment delays threaten ED bottom lines
On May 1, 2006, Medical Mutual of Ohio (MMO), one of theï -
Palliative program yields triage changes in the ED
If your hospital doesn't have a palliative care program yet, it soon will, and that may mean changes in the way you triage your patients. -
Pharmacist in ED slashes medication errors by 50%
By placing a pharmacist within the department to review medications being given to patients, the ED at Huntington Hospital in Pasadena, CA, has achieved more than a 50% reduction in errors in six months. -
ED's 'PALs' help put focus back on patients
At Parkview Medical Center in Pueblo, CO, the introduction of an electronic medical record (EMR) in 2004 was a mixed blessing, at best, for the ED. Patient flow was slowed dramatically, and patient complaints rose because the staff seemed to be paying more attention to the computer than to the human beings they were treating. -
ED uses 'Virtual ICU' to improve patient care
A program that provides "critical care without walls," originally intended solely to support the intensive care units (ICUs) at Christiana Healthcare in Wilmington, DE, has been adapted to support the care of critically ill patients in two of the system's EDs. The staff assert that the program, called eICU for electronic ICU, has enhanced quality of care and speeded the resuscitation process. -
'Plain talk' is best when dealing with disasters
This past summer, when strong storms knocked out power in the St. Louis area, the incident command group at BJC Healthcare called the local emergency management agency (EMA) to tell them they had lost power at several of their 13 hospitals and were operating on emergency generators. -
Is relief on the way for disaster management 'Babel'?
The move to abolish 10-codes from intradiscipline communications, which gained impetus in the wake of huge communication problems during 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina, may just be the first step in a move by the federal government to make clearer communications possible, says Bruce Clements, MPH, director of the Missouri Center for Emergency Response and Terrorism (CERT) in Jefferson City. -
New emergency funds won't 'trickle down'?
The amount of funds allocated for emergency preparedness in President Bush's newly presented fiscal year 2007 budget may look good on paper, but as a practical matter, they won't be much help to individual hospitals, says one expert. -
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